
Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to start?

Well, hello blog world! I am sitting here with a cup of tea, and deciding if I am going to wake my husband up for church or not, while at the same time trying to figure out exactly what I am doing with this whole blog thing. Words do not usually come easily to me, as English has always been my worst subject. I am a Texas A&M grad (Whoop!) and landscape designer in the center of the great state of Texas. My thoughts on my blog so far are to show you a little bit of my life, and yard, while also bring you inside as my husband and I are about to have lived in our first home for one year! We absolutely love our house, but want to make it stand out in a neighborhood of houses looking the same. With a dog, he makes our "dream yard" a little less dreamy with holes, trails and bones everywhere. He really enjoys digging up my garden, along with stepping on our flowers in the front yard. Yet, we love him so much that words cannot explain. Well, cant wait for the future of this blog as I share my plant nerdiness along with my rustic and shabby chic plans though out our lovely home.


  1. Sounds like a grand idea for a blog. I love gardening and shabby chic. I'll add you to my bloglist.

  2. Cant wait to here your insight with the plant nerdiness. I love vegetable and flower gardening, so will be waiting to here your advice, and follow you through the plants you pick and grow. Can't wait. Also looking forward to hearing about you, Jacob and Burke. Have Fun!!

  3. Great start, Chelsea. I'll be following your blog!
